Detecting “Undetectable” Link Networks

I have been growing more and more concerned lately as clients have been coming to us with propositions from link builders who claim to have an “undetectable” link network. Over time, link network operators have become more and more sophisticated at creating more prolific and difficult-to-detect networks. The process, while straightforward, always seems to be the same. Acquire Dropped or Pre-Release Domains with Existing PageRank and Strong Link Profiles Host Domains on Different Class-C IP addresses Put up unique content with links Unfortunately, this creates a pattern that is difficult to detect for even moderately trained SEOs who lack the technical skills to analyze the myriad factors that Google has at its disposal. Subsequently, a human looking...

A Simple Solution to the Non WWW, WWW Question

One of the most shocking things a webmaster learns upon entering the world of SEO is that they need to choose between either the WWW version or non-WWW version of their URL. As annoying as it is, not doing so can create huge duplicate content and PageRank dispersion issues that hamper your rankings. However, what we rarely discuss is how to choose which of the two to use. The answer is fairly simple. Determine which version has the most inbound, external links across all its pages and then use that as the canonical version of your domain. If the sum of all the mozRank of links pointing to your* version of your site is greater than the* version, then you should choose the non-WWW. Well, here is a simple tool that does just...