New Tool: LDA Content Optimizer

After much hullabaloo and disagreement regarding SEOMoz’s studies into the relationship between the topic modeling concept of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and rankings, the dust has settled and we can start talking about what does this mean for me as a webmaster. Our own studies indicated that there is a relationship between LDA Cosine values and ranking especially among long-tail keywords. I don’t pretend to know what this means exactly, but I do know how to boost LDA scores. And if the two are correlated – LDA and Ranking – it certainly wouldn’t hurt to do so.

So, without any further adieu, I would like to introduce the new Virante LDA Content Optimizer.

lda tool

Essentially, the tool finds keywords that you should include in your content to increase your SEOMoz LDA Score. A word of warning, though. Each report can take at least 5 minutes to run, as it literally spiders and processes dozens of sites in trying to create an optimized keyword list.

Here is a more complete break down of how it works…

  1. You put in the keyword and url you want to improve.
  2. The tool then spiders your page and determines your score from SEOMoz’s LDA tool. This gives us a baseline of how relevant your page is to the keyword.
  3. The tool goes and finds the top 10 Wikipedia and top 10 Google results pages related to that keyword, spiders those pages, and finds colocated terms across them. These are terms that occur more often than you would normally expect in a random document of the English language. For example, pages on SEO are far more likely to have the word optimization than a random page from the internet.
  4. The tool then checks to see which of these colocated words do not occur in the content of your page in order to make recommendations of related words you should have used in your content.
  5. Finally, the tool resubmits your content to SEOMoz’s LDA tool with the colocated terms added to determine if by including those words you can improve your LDA score. If you can, it gives you an expected percentage increase and the recommended terms to include in your content.
  6. tl;dr The tool finds keywords that you should include in your content to increase your SEOMoz LDA Score.
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  1. karthick
    Dec 29, 2010

    How can i implement LDA Content Optimizer tool in my application.

  2. Grose
    Feb 29, 2012

    This looks great can’t wait to use it!


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