The Disadvantages of Speed: Finding Exact Match Domains in Drop Lists

I recently wrote a post on the advantages of speed specifically dealing with the ability to find exact match domains. One of the disadvantages of speed is that of the classic hammer problem. If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Because lookup speeds are very fast, I made the assumption that I could just pound away. Eventually, though, that led to some insurmountable speed problems and would force more horizontal scaling. Because the lookups were so fast, I assumed that the number of lookups could be egregiously large without greatly damaging performance. I. Was. Wrong. It hit me over New Years Eve night that I had been looking at the problem all wrong. The lookup data was structured in a way that required the massive lookups. Subsequently,...

The Advantages of Speed: Finding Exact Match Keyword Domains in Drop Lists

There are a lot of problems out there for which elegant solutions are difficult, cumbersome or outright impossible. One of those that I have dealt with for years is combing through large lists of dropped domains to find which ones are exact match keyword domains – meaning that there is an exact keyword that makes up the entire domain name. To a human this seems like a very easy task, but to a machine not so much. The brute force method of doing this would be to take each domain and break it down into every different potential 1, 2, and 3 word phrase and then look up every combination. ie: would be… i padminicases ip adminicases ipa dminicases … i p adminicases i pa dminicases … This would be nearly impossible to do on a...

Google Analytics Style Keyword Suggestion Query Builder

Hey folks, just wanted to show off the new advanced keyword query suggestion builder for GrepWords. We decided to build a keyword suggestion tool modeled directly after Google Analytics Advanced Filters. Most of you are probably aware of what the GA Advanced Filters look like… In Analytics you can drill down through dimensions using containing, begins with, ends with, and RegExp. You can create multiple layers of filters to get down to that perfect result. Well now you can do the exact same thing in GrepWords. Here is a quick video showing it in action… The tool is only available to paid subscribers because it really does traverse our entire 80 million US language keyword database on the fly, no caching involved. Click below to see a full screenshot...

Why Compromise? MemSQL Outperforms NoSQL Solutions Again and Again

So, it probably isn’t much of a surprise to those of you that follow me on twitter that I am huge fan of the in memory database memSQL. There are a lot of awesome reasons why memSQL is crazy fast, which I’ll get to later, for why I have grown to love this database but let’s get started with my latest job… The Scenario I have 30 million results pages from Google searches, meaning 300 million entries for a URL, Domain, Subdomain, Keyword and Ranking. You can easily imagine a giant spreadsheet with this data in it. The row might look something like this in the spreadsheet… 1 | | | | google cache | 1 My first job is simple – given any URL, Subdomain or Domain,...

The Most Disappointing Part of My Career

I posted a question to twitter weeks ago for stories from other SEOs about what they believed to be the worst or most disappointing moments of their careers. I got no responses. In retrospect, this isn’t surprising. Much of what we consider disappointing we also consider embarrassing. In my case though, I am willing to share. nTopic I spent years and thousands of my own dollars along side huge investments from Virante working with an amazing statistician Andrew Cron on building out a content relevancy tool and API. We then did extensive research into its effectiveness and literally proved that following nTopic’s simply recommendations would increase organic search traffic from Google. We called it nTopic. It was my silver bullet. A proven technique,...

How Uses nTopic and Contact Finding for Awesome Broken Link Building

So, hopefully you know of some of Virante’s pretty awesome APIs like nTopic for content relevancy. I wanted to show to you a novel integration of nTopic and a brand new API that you will see coming from Virante soon, our contact finder, in Garrett French’s Broken Link Building tool. What I do is go through an entire prospecting campaign from keywords to opportunities to contact information in 11 minutes and 30 seconds. It is pretty awesome to see just how powerful the tool is for scaling one of the few remaining truly white hat link building techniques. So go ahead and take a look! The contact finding API is what I am most excited about. The most recent campaign I ran found… 76.4% of prospected domains have at least 1 contact 54.5% of prospected...