theGoogleCache Redesign

Hello All, You may have noticed a couple changes around theGoogleCache; phase 1 of the redesign is complete. We have made graphical updates, improved search capabilities, and added more functionality to the blog in hopes of making for a better overall experience while viewing. We hope to be adding additional functionality and features to the site in the coming weeks so keep an eye out. Thanks for visiting and by all means let us know what you think, we’d love to hear from you. Virante No tags for this post.

Viral Marketing Ethics

In such a nascent industry as online viral marketing, or more specifically, social media marketing, it is important to take a step back and attempt to discern a framework of ethics that will guide the industry. As is the case in almost all new marketing frontiers, a handful of groups have already begun working on exploitative methods that will… Largely be countered soon Smear more legitimate tactics However, hardly impact their effectiveness As predictive (like an SNL skit) a scenario this will be, it is still a valuable exercise to go ahead and outline a few ethical guidelines, ones that Virante already institutes when approaching social media marketing. Participate: Almost all major social marketing sites have or will soon incorporate reputation-based...

Asked and Answered: A Digg Widget for Blogs

** Thanks for the Bugg Fixes Everyone! WordPress Mangled the Code, But Everything Works Now! Just Copy-and-Paste ** A recent story on Digg requested that a digg widget be created for bloggers to add to their sites. Digg already provides a javascript list of stories dugg, but it does not offer things such as how many diggs it has received, nor does it offer links to the actual stories themselves (just to the page on digg). So, without further adieu, a Digg Widget for everyone else. <script> // YOUR USERNAME var username = "your user name"; // NUMBER OF STORIES TO SHOW, MAX 11 var stories_to_show = 5; // DATA TYPE: dugg, submitted, or commented var data_type = "dugg"; document.write('<scri','pt...

Google SERP Click-Through Rates

Thanks to AOL, SEO’s and other marketers now have access to the search records of over 500,000 users collected over a 3 month period after AOL accidentally released massive amounts of data.   This dataset contained over 36 million search queries and tracked 19 million clickthroughs.   We know that AOL search is a repackaging of Google’s Search, so we can assume most of this data applies to how users behave with Google’s search as well. The real benefit here is that we now have data that allows us to view the clickthrough percentages of users on each search engine result.   The guys over at RedCardinal crunched the numbers, and have provided the following charts which we can use to make more educated decisions in our search engine optimization...